Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
SF Public Transportation
All I have to say is...
Ok, maybe I have a bit more to say. Not to dwell on the nightmare (see what I did there) that is riding PT in SF, but its tragic. I imagine better cities like NYC don't have to wait 20 minutes for a train to 3 stops. Before I moved here, I had this elaborate fantasy of the fantastic rides on the underground commuters. Sadly, I just get colds more often. On the upside, I think I have picked up a few languages.
Where are they now? Horror Edition.
Kevin Spirtas from Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
I should preface this little blurb by saying this Friday has always been one of my favorites. It has the humor, the gore, the creative deaths but it also added some new elements. For starters, Tina (our lady in distress) can move shit with her mind. Yeah, they went there and it worked. She was all bad ass and kicking some Jason ass. The movie suffered because much of the gore was removed at the request of the MPAA. However, it still remains a fun ride.
When watching this movie as a young closeted youth, I often thought about the tightness of his pants more than I should. The hot guys in these movies were so great for a closeted youth. Adults would think I was watching for the boobs or some shit but no, it was the occasional male arse that would make an appearance.
Back to Kevin, he "might" be gay and apparently a lot of the cast from the film was too (lots of gossip was spilled in the book Crystal Lake Memories. Can you imagine the Saturday nights on that set?
Back to Kevin, he "might" be gay and apparently a lot of the cast from the film was too (lots of gossip was spilled in the book Crystal Lake Memories. Can you imagine the Saturday nights on that set?
It turns out Kevin is still acting and still looks great. He was in "Green Plaid Shirt" and did lots of theater work.
A Bit Of Trivia
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984):
Wes Craven first came up with the basic idea for the movie from several newspaper printed in the LA Times over a three year period about a group of Cambodian refugees from the Hmong tribe, several of whom died in the throes of horrific nightmares. The group had had come to America to escape the reign of Pol Pot, and within a year of arriving, three men had died, with the situation the same in each cases; the young, otherwise healthy, man would have a nightmare then refuse to sleep for as long as possible. Upon finally falling asleep from exhaustion, the man awoke screaming, then died. Autopsy results revealed that they had not died because of heart failure, they had simply died. It was this lack of cause that intrigued Craven so much. Medical authorities have since called the phenomena Asian Death Syndrome, a variant of Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome (SUDS) and Brugada Syndrome.
Thank god it's finally Thursday!
A fine specimen. Amen! Marco Drapper will help us make it through the week!
Lots more photos after the jump.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
All Good Things
Finally got around to watching this movie. I wasn't blown away but my oh my, can Ryan fill out some wet undies.
Trevor Donovan from that 90210 show
When I heard that 90210 was coming back, I knew it would never be like the original. First, if there is no Brenda Walsh, there is no party. One of my girlfriends loves it and talks about this guy all the time. Upon further examination, I see what she was talking about.
More photos after the jump.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Jake is channeling his inner Patrick Bateman
Ok, it's not Patrick Bateman but it could be his equally hot cousin. Jake is going all American Psycho in this music video and I am loving it so much. All kinds of hot. Here is Jake getting all crazy sexy in The Shoes - Time To Dance. Is it weird that this video turned me on a bit?
Screengrabs after the break.
Screengrabs after the break.
Friday, March 9, 2012
I need a new VD
I'm bummed that I have to wait longer for new episodes of The Vampire Diaries. I'm obsessed with this show. It looks like Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer from Smallville) is coming on to the show as Sage, a myseterious vampire from Damon's past. Cassidy killed it on Smallville so I am anxious to see what she does with this role. Hopefully she will get all evil and crazy which is just like I love her. Where the hell is Tyler btw? I miss my hot werewolf man. Some photos of Tyler Michael and Klaus Joseph Morgan after the break.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
That's not sperm...
I can't even lie, I thought this was very cool. The NASA Mars reconnaissance Orbiter has got a shot of a tornado on the surface of Mars. Pretty awesome. Or is this some kind of Disney marketing for John Carter? I smell a conspiracy.
An afternoon whirlwind on Mars lofts a twisting column of dust more than half a mile (800 meters) high in an image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
HiRISE captured the image on Feb. 16, 2012, while the orbiter passed over the Amazonis Planitia region of northern Mars. In the area observed, paths of many previous whirlwinds, or dust devils, are visible as streaks on the dusty surface.
The active dust devil displays a delicate arc produced by a westerly breeze partway up its height. The dust plume is about 30 meters in diameter.
The image was taken during the time of Martian year when that planet is farthest from the sun Just as on Earth, winds on Mars are powered by solar heating. Exposure to the sun’s rays declines during this season, yet even now, dust devils act relentlessly to clean the surface of freshly deposited dust, a little at a time.
Dust devils occur on Earth as well as on Mars. They are spinning columns of air, made visible by the dust they pull off the ground. Unlike a tornado, a dust devil typically forms on a clear day when the ground is heated by the sun, warming the air just above the ground. As heated air near the surface rises quickly through a small pocket of cooler air above it, the air may begin to rotate, if conditions are just right.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been examining Mars with six science instruments since 2006. Now in an extended mission, the orbiter continues to provide insights into the planet’s ancient environments and how processes such as wind, meteorite impacts and seasonal frosts continue to affect the Martian surface today. This mission has returned more data about Mars than all other orbital and surface missions combined.
More than 21,700 images taken by HiRISE are available for viewing on the instrument team’s website http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/.
An afternoon whirlwind on Mars lofts a twisting column of dust more than half a mile (800 meters) high in an image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
HiRISE captured the image on Feb. 16, 2012, while the orbiter passed over the Amazonis Planitia region of northern Mars. In the area observed, paths of many previous whirlwinds, or dust devils, are visible as streaks on the dusty surface.
The active dust devil displays a delicate arc produced by a westerly breeze partway up its height. The dust plume is about 30 meters in diameter.
The image was taken during the time of Martian year when that planet is farthest from the sun Just as on Earth, winds on Mars are powered by solar heating. Exposure to the sun’s rays declines during this season, yet even now, dust devils act relentlessly to clean the surface of freshly deposited dust, a little at a time.
Dust devils occur on Earth as well as on Mars. They are spinning columns of air, made visible by the dust they pull off the ground. Unlike a tornado, a dust devil typically forms on a clear day when the ground is heated by the sun, warming the air just above the ground. As heated air near the surface rises quickly through a small pocket of cooler air above it, the air may begin to rotate, if conditions are just right.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has been examining Mars with six science instruments since 2006. Now in an extended mission, the orbiter continues to provide insights into the planet’s ancient environments and how processes such as wind, meteorite impacts and seasonal frosts continue to affect the Martian surface today. This mission has returned more data about Mars than all other orbital and surface missions combined.
More than 21,700 images taken by HiRISE are available for viewing on the instrument team’s website http://hirise.lpl.arizona.edu/.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Those confederate nips
While I didn't love John Carter, I did have lot's to look at during the movie. I will say, he has the right proportions for the role.
More of him after the break.
John Carter of Virginia
Last night was an interesting night. Was invited to an early screening of John Carter and decided to go since I had been hearing good things about the film. I was excited to see the film since I had liked many of the live action Disney films (Pirates of the Caribbean, Tron) and was ready for a fun adventure.
Did I love the film? No.
Review of film after jump.
Hump Day Treat
Some Wednesday mornings just require a bit of Swedish meat for breakfast. I have seen this video more times than I should mention and it always entertains and excites in equal measure. Lord, that Skarsgard looks like he would be a lot of fun to drink with in a pub.
Skarsgard dancing
Screengrabs after the jump.
Skarsgard dancing
Screengrabs after the jump.
That naughty Franco
I never know what to make of James Franco. However, I do know that he looks quite good in photos. I guess that's all I need.
More JF after the cut.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
My end of season Walking Dead Predictions
My guesses as to what will happen..none of this or all of this could be true.
- Shane will die (sadly) but will be zombiefied after dying.
- We learn the secret that was whispered to Rick in the finale last season.
- The secret is that all the survivors are infected with the virus. You can either be activated by bite or by death.
- Andrea will find out she is pregnant. Setting up her redemption storyline.
- Lori (at some point) will lose the baby.
- Herschel won't make it off the farm.
Crazy zombie killers are hot.
I have had a crush on Shane since the first season. There is just something about a crazy man who can kills zombies that makes me want to drop down.
More drool worthy Jon Bernthal after the jump. Yes, there are a lot of photos. Can you ever have too much?
Let's take em' down!!
I can recall a time when the price to buy a popcorn at the movies was under $3.00. Granted, this was the 80's and I was still in the PG-13 phase of my life, but those were good times. Now, it's crazy expensive to buy snacks at the movies. Joshua Thompson might be my new hero.
SourceJoshua Thompson loves the movies.
But he hates the prices theaters charge for concessions like pop and candy.
This week, the 20-something security technician from Livonia decided to do something about it: He filed a class action in Wayne County Circuit Court against his local AMC theater in hopes of forcing theaters statewide to dial down snack prices.
"He got tired of being taken advantage of," said Thompson's lawyer, Kerry Morgan of Wyandotte. "It's hard to justify prices that are three- and four-times higher than anywhere else."
American Multi Cinema, which operates the AMC theater in Livonia, wouldn't comment on the suit. A staffer at the National Association of Theatre Owners in Washington, D.C., angrily hung up the phone when asked about industry snack pricing practices.
Although consumer experts predicted that the case will be dismissed, it struck a chord Friday with area moviegoers, who said they're tired of being soaked on movie munchies.
"The prices are ridiculous," Rebecca Motley, 55, a self-employed Southfield physician, said while leaving the AMC Star Southfield 20.
Motley said she and her office manager spent $5 each for morning movie tickets and $11 each for soft drinks and popcorn.
"When I was a kid, $1 could get you into the movies and buy you a pop and popcorn. But not anymore," Motley said. "I don't know how kids can go on their own to a movie anymore."
Timothy Fells, 29, part owner of a Redford Township gym, agreed with Motley.
"Movie concession prices are extremely high, and that's why I don't stop at the snack bar very often," he said while leaving the AMC theater in Southfield.
Thompson didn't want to be interviewed because he doesn't want any notoriety, Morgan said. But Thompson said in his lawsuit that he used to take his own pop and candy to the AMC in Livonia until the theater posted a sign banning the practice.
On Dec. 26, he paid $8 for a Coke and a package of Goobers chocolate-covered peanuts at the Livonia theater -- nearly three times the $2.73 he paid for the same items at a nearby fast-food restaurant and drug store, the suit said.
The suit accused AMC theaters of violating the Michigan Consumer Protection Act by charging grossly excessive prices for snacks.
The suit seeks refunds for customers who were overcharged, a civil penalty against the theater chain and any other relief Judge Kathleen Macdonald might grant.
Two consumer lawyers predicted that Macdonald will dismiss the suit.
"It's a loser," said Gary Victor, an Eastern Michigan University business law professor. He said state Supreme Court decisions in 1999 and 2007 exempted most regulated businesses from the Michigan Consumer Protection Act.
Added Ian Lyngklip, a nationally known consumer lawyer in Southfield: "Movie theaters are regulated, so the lawsuit won't go anywhere"
Victor, an avid moviegoer, agreed that snack prices are excessive at theaters. That's why he shuns the concession counter unless he's with a date.
Griping about excessive prices at the theater concession is a time-honored tradition, says Paul Dergarabedian, an analyst for http://www.hollywood.com/ , a movie industry website.
"But like high airline prices, it's just one of those things that we've become accustomed to because we don't have any control over it," he added.
Although movie ticket sales are down -- 1.2 billion tickets were sold last year compared with 1.6 billion in 2002 -- he said a difficult economy mainly is to blame, not snack prices.
To cope with the issue, some consumers eat before or after they go to the movies, or resort to smuggling.
Fells said he sometimes smuggles Gummi Bears into the theater to save money.
Kristy Belanger, 20, a real estate secretary from Redford Township who showed up at the AMC in Livonia on Friday to see a movie with her boyfriend, concealed two bottles of Pepsi in her purse.
"I did it to save money, and I feel like I did," she said, adding that what she saved on Pepsi enabled her to buy a $4.74 serving of nachos to share with her beau.
Good day to get wet
Why am I not at the beach with
Friday, March 2, 2012
The Queen is coming back to American Horror Story
The first season of American Horror Story was fresh and inventive for a hour long tv show. The genre seems to be limited these days on the boob tube so AHS brought some fresh life back to the small screen. One of the best things about the first season was Jessica Lange.
Her character of Constance was the lady you loved to hate. Great news for me, she is coming back! The kick, she will be playing a new character. The deets are over at ShockTillYouDrop and the new season sounds promising. I like the idea of each season revolving around new characters and locations. Hopefully, we will also see Frances Conroy popping up again in the second season. Color me excited.
It's unfortunate that we won't get to see Dylan McDermott and his nakedness week after week. Hopefully, they find someone to fill the hot man quota that we will now expect weekly.
Her character of Constance was the lady you loved to hate. Great news for me, she is coming back! The kick, she will be playing a new character. The deets are over at ShockTillYouDrop and the new season sounds promising. I like the idea of each season revolving around new characters and locations. Hopefully, we will also see Frances Conroy popping up again in the second season. Color me excited.
It's unfortunate that we won't get to see Dylan McDermott and his nakedness week after week. Hopefully, they find someone to fill the hot man quota that we will now expect weekly.
More of Dylan after the jump.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Horror Slut of the Day
Most good horror movies have that one awesome slut. She who is not afraid to use sex or her body to her advantage. Some love them and some hate them but they are the special recipe for any good horror stew. I decided to begin writing up some of my favorites. Today's HSOTD comes from Night of the Demons (1988) and is well deserved. I will sit down and write a proper review of this film one day as it is one of my favorite movies to enjoy when sipping on the sweet nectar. Today we celebrate Suzanne (Linnea Quigley) and all her glory!
Like many horror sluts before her, the character of Suzanne was not afraid to show some skin at a party. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Contstanly vying for the attention of the boys at the party, she was not afraid of an upskirt shot (Lindsay Lohan would be jealous). She also knows a crafty use for lipstick.
Suzanne was not the only persuasive character Linnea has played on film. She has had her time with the B movies and when reading her bio on IMDB, I was intrigued. She was in movies I love and had no idea (Nightmare On Elm Street 4). Truth be told, she might be a horror slut again for some of her other movies. A golden treasure quote from Linnea via IMDB.
Linnea really nailed the hot slut role. I give her props, she was not scared to show some skin for a role. Like many horror sluts before her, the character of Suzanne was not afraid to show some skin at a party. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Contstanly vying for the attention of the boys at the party, she was not afraid of an upskirt shot (Lindsay Lohan would be jealous). She also knows a crafty use for lipstick.
Suzanne was not the only persuasive character Linnea has played on film. She has had her time with the B movies and when reading her bio on IMDB, I was intrigued. She was in movies I love and had no idea (Nightmare On Elm Street 4). Truth be told, she might be a horror slut again for some of her other movies. A golden treasure quote from Linnea via IMDB.
My favorites, selected from my own movies, are Savage Streets (1984), The Return of the Living Dead (1985) and Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988). One of the differences between my association with horror films and scream queens of past generations is that I don't faint as much.And one of my favorite quotes from Miss Suzanne in NOTD. This exchange really sells the whole movie at the beginning.
Suzanne: Do you guys have sour balls?Suzanne, a true class act.
Convenience Store Clerk: Why sure we do.
Suzanne: Too bad. I bet you don't get many blow jobs.
Where is the Man Of Steel trailer?
I have been patiently waiting for a leaked trailer but nothing. Now, I don't know the status of filming but with a release date of next year, I figured we would have gotten a teaser or something. Maybe they are waiting for the release of the other comic book properties before they get crazy with the promo stuff. These thoughts also reminded me to look up photos of HC and boy was I pleased. He sure is easy on the eyes! More yummy HC after the jump. With all the shirtless photos that leaked from the set, this might be better than expected (at least in the beefcake category).
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